
Sylvie Goldner, 21’

Monday, November 2nd

Me, 10:06 am: Ruth Rosner a 104 year old woman voted today! She was born in 1916, which was four years before women could vote. Even after voting in WW2 and during other major moments in US history, she said this is the most important ballot she has ever casted. 

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Friend, 11am:

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Tuesday, November 3rd

Me, 4pm: This Meme is too funny.

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Me, 6:23pm Most stressful night ever is about to begin! 

Friend, 6:24pm I know! I don’t even want to think about it. 

Me, 6:45pm: I’m freaking out right now. So much anxiety. Hopefully we will have all the results by Friday (tonight would be ideal but most likely won’t happen unless there is a landslide victory). 

Friend, 8pm: I’m trying not to focus on the news. I’m staying in my bedroom as I feel that it’s too early to get caught up in the emotional turbulence of the race. Right now it is just a game going back and forth. I almost started crying earlier. Too tight of a race. 

Friend, 8:30pm: This is insane. I had to get out of my house for an hour and walk my dog. 

Me, 9:07pm: Trump has won Florida. This race is getting tight. 

Me, 10:30pm: I just had a mental breakdown. 

Friend, 11pm: This is rough, but I am trying to stay calm by drinking tea and watching TV shows to distract myself. 

Me, 11:30pm: : A happy victory within this sea of sadness (below)

Friend, 11:45pm: Just don’t kill yourself - you can always finish BHSEC virtually from canada 😬🤣

Wednesday, November 4th

Friend, 8:46am: United States of Anxiety Today.

Friend, 9am: I made the decision to not be on my phone or tv all night last night, and instead camped in my backyard as a coping mechanism.

Me, 8:50am: Our country is not okay. Everything is too intense to handle right now. This is a battle of morality. 

Friend, 9:53am: I am currently feeling (very cautiously) optimistic about the presidential race but bummed about the Senate results. However, I’m feeling okay about that because senators can change sooner in two years. I’m just trying to remain chill throughout the day and trust that good people are working really hard. 

Me, 10:17am: I’m crushed that it is such a close race in so many states as it is disheartening to see how many people really love Trump in this country. I too am becoming more hopeful even though last night I was feeling very despondent. 

Friend, 11am: I’m doing alright. Last night was so stressful and even now I’m still feeling like that, but I’m trying my best to remain calm and positive. Meditation and baking have helped me remain calm. 

Friend, 12:20pm:

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Friend, 1pm: I am sleep deprived and angry but confident that when every vote is counted we will have a new president.

Me, 2:29pm: Biden won Wisconsin! 

Friend, 3:05pm: I know! But Trump is calling a recount! 

Me, 4pm: Amazing news:

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Friend, 4:56pm: Biden won Michigan! I can go to college in Michigan now. Whew. 

Friend, 5pm: Close election, but Biden has a real shot. 

Me, 5:05pm: It is so scary and crazy. Biden’s win is looking optimistic but I don’t want to jinx it. 

Friend, 6pm: I know. It is amazing but nerve-racking. Wisconsin and Michigan are looking like they will go to Biden. And Georgia can flip to Biden once more votes come in. So it is not bleak -- definitely still a race. 

Me, 6:30pm: At the end of day if Biden gets Arizona, Nevada, Michigan, Wisconsin he wins.  And he can win these. 

Thursday, November 5th

Me, 8:37am: We will be lucky to know the results before the weekend! 

Friend, 2:16pm: “Odds now 9-1 on Trump. Was 3-1 yesterday. And he was the favorite at one point Tuesday night.”

Friday, November 6th

Me, 9:13am: The weather today is stunning. MVP of all days, or should I say MVD. Sun is out for the election! 

Friend, 9:52am: Biden might get Georgia!! Holy crap!! 

Saturday, November 7th

Me, 11:15am: Rejoice! BIDEN WON!!!

Friend, 11:45am: Yes, but Trump is such an asshole! 

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Friend, 11:53am: Thank God! On this gorgeous day the universe is speaking to us! I could not have asked for happier news! 

Friend, 12:08pm: I have never felt happier in my life!! 

Me, 5:45pm: The world is about to be a better place! 

Friend, 6:15pm: I am in Prospect Park and people are still cheering!! 

Me, 6:30pm: I went to Stonewall and Washington Square Park and it has been heaven. All the people celebrating remind me why I love NYC. 

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