What even is the bardvark?

Bard High School Early College Manhattan’s award winning student newspaper. It is one of BHSEC’s longest running clubs and has been an important outlet for soon to be journalists for over a decade.

No i meant where did you get the name the bardvark?

We here at BHSEC pride ourselves on our biting wit. The Bardvark is a fun play on the cute animal aardvark, but with the first “a” replaced with a “b” so it sounds like Bard. And a fun piece of trivia for all you curious folks, the original drawing of the Bardvark is based on BHSEC’s first principal, Ray Peterson, who frequented the bowtie look:


this all looks promising but what if my writing isn’t good enough?

Nonsense. We are a student publication and are here for you to cultivate your voice. Our amazing team of editors will makes sure the grammar and the flow is there but we want to hear from everyone! It is never too late to join, so whether you are a brand new freshman or a worn out Y2, try out your hand in writing a piece however you see fit.

Wow! Amazing! How do i join?

We are so glad to hear! You can email us at bardvark@gmail.com and asked to be put on the mailing list. That way you will receive the latest updates about our monthly meetings and publications. We generally meet on the first Wednesday of each month in room 302 after school and publish on the last Wednesday, but join the mailing list to be in the know if things change.

I just don’t know what to write about

We need news from inside and outside BHSEC, opinion pieces, sports news, club news, thought pieces, pictures (a lot of pictures), rants, dream journals, you name it we need it! Like we said, we will help edit anything you want to submit.

How much Do I need to pay for such an amazing service?

Not one penny! The Bardvark is completely free to all students in paper copies that can be found in the library and to the world on this stunning website.

I am a power hungry ditz looking to join the leadership right now!

That’s not a question but if you must know editorial selections for the following year are made by the Editor-in-Chief. Positions are based on dedication shown throughout the year, so the best way to make it on the prestigious Editorial Board is by showing up to meetings and writing frequently. Many editors write one or two pieces every month.