Louise Amarel & Laura Peyronnet, 24’
We are ALL stuck at home now. For this we present our newest project: in every future issue there will be this column you can refer to for new ideas on simple crafts. These activities will help decorate your rooms, release stress, and keep you busy at home, which is the place we find ourselves in for most hours of the day now.
For this article we are explaining how to make a small hangable decoration for the holiday season. In our example, we use pinecones, a plastic frog, a doll limb (we decided to paint it so keep in mind that you can do whatever you want with your objects), and beads. You can make these items as complex and representational as you want. Have fun crafting! And just DON’T HANG THIS CONTRAPTION OVER YOUR BED for it may be pernicious if you do.
Craft: Literally any objects on a string as long as they make you merry/satisfied
Step 1: Choose your objects/order them.
Step 2: Create or find holes on the objects you chose and pass one string around/in all of them:
1. Heat the tip of a large needle with a candle, puncture the object with the needle that has string on it and make the needle and string completely go through.
2. Simply find a place where you could wrap the string around the object or a part of the object and then wrap it with part of your string.
3. If there already is a hole, just pass the string through it.
Step 3: Hang the string with all the objects on it horizontally by attaching both ends at a certain distance apart. In order for the string to either curve or be completely horizontal to your liking, with tape, nails and a hammer, or any other method that works. You can also hang the string vertically by attaching one of its ends to your window sill, a closet rod, or on any other surface!