Ask Max

Max Wesslock, 24’

What are some fun and interesting alternatives to war that countries could settle their differences with?

Having given it some thought, I decided that rock paper scissors is the best way to settle these differences. Instead of people fighting and dying in battle, rock paper scissors would end a battle with little to no lives lost and only one country would come out as the victor. The country that has the fewest number of weapons, or in other words is less likely to win the war, would have to win the game more times than the country who would have most likely won. This is because the stronger country will still have the odds of winning in their favor. That’s my opinion.

What is your favorite pizza place in Manhattan?

While I will acknowledge the famous pizzerias such as Scarr’s, Joe’s, and some others, Upside Pizza is my personal favorite. Located on the corner of 39th street and 8th ave, this used to be my favorite, post-class snack every week. I returned every single Thursday at 6:30pm and never did I get tired of the crunchy crust and cheesy, flavorful sicillian slice. I recommend the pepperoni sicilian, even though they switch up their selection pretty consistently. I would definitely suggest checking it out -- and if you do, let me know if you like it.

The BardvarkMaxwell Wesslock