How to travel from home during quarantine

Kendra Duli, ‘23

May 2020


Hi everyone before we get started I hope that everyone is safe and just know that we will all get through this. Now I know that we are all stuck at home but that doesn’t mean that we still can’t travel. I think we all know that I am talking about: virtual travel. I am aware it isn’t the same but that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun. I personally did a virtual tour to Italy for a family member and it was great. We checked milan, Verona, Venice, Rome and other places in the south of Italy. Without further ado let's continue. 

1. Choose a destination and for how long you are staying. 

That is essential for any travel but it is something you need to do. Are you staying in NYC or are you going to another city in the country?  Or are you going abroad? The possibilities are endless! To choose a destination (if you don’t have a place you want to see) you can look through google maps and can make a list of countries you would like to see and then narrow it down to 1. It is also important to know how long you are staying. Try to put the time frame as if it would be that timeframe if you were really going to go to that destination. If, for example, say you choose Australia to visit as a country and not any particular city you would go to many cities and that would take time. It would be days or weeks until you saw what you wanted to see so you should give the city at least half a day in your schedule. This is so your experience could be as realistic as possible. If you just want to see a city it wouldn’t take this long it really just depends on where and how long you chose to travel. 

2. Make some kind of itinerary with links for virtual tours of the place you are seeing 

If you are going to see a country you would need to have an idea of which cities you are seeing so an itinerary would be good. If you are seeing just a city then put down ( unless you are lazy) some virtual tours of wherever you are going. Then you can go and explore. If you are seeing Paris search on google some virtual tours and you should find plenty if your city is well known. 

3. Eat some local cuisine

If you would travel to have the most realistic experience you should have some authentic food because by trying it you would feel more as if you are in that country. You should search for recipes and local dishes in the country or region you are visiting and try to cook them to the best of your abilities. You can make it seem as if you are meeting the chef of the restaurant and he is giving you a cooking class. Maybe put some local music while you are eating just you can feel a bit more in that place. 

4. Find a hotel

Now I know you are home but you need to pretend a little bit like you aren’t. To do this part go find a hotel you like. It can even be a 5* hotel and then try to make your room or living space or whatever part of the house you can look like that hotel you chose. You don’t have to be perfect just try to do something similar to it. If the hotel has a pool and you don’t then I have to inform you that the pool in the hotel costs money and it is closed;-! 

Optional: If you want you can watch some kind of show or documentary about that country just so you know more about where you “are”.