Bidding Farewell to the Bardvark

Darya Foroohar, ‘20

May 2020

Dear Readers,

The end of May always marks the year’s final publication of the Bardvark, a bittersweet moment for those of us who will be leaving it behind. I knew it was coming from the very first article I wrote. I just didn’t think it would end like this. 

Love it or hate it, the Bardvark is an integral part of BHSEC’s community, remaining constant while everything else about the school– from the bathrooms being renovated to new teachers coming– has changed. And although we cannot distribute it in person, I hope that it is still a comforting presence online. (It’s better for the environment, after all.) With this year’s Newsies Awards turning virtual, there is a definite possibility that other aspects of high school journalism will be unfamiliar to next year’s editors. Yet even if BHSEC is online in the fall, I hope that the Bardvark will not die out.

But I don’t want to dwell on the negative possibilities. I want to thank this year’s editorial board, our faculty advisor, Dr. Mazie, and everyone who wrote an article this year. I also really appreciate anyone who took the time to read through this humble newspaper and recognize the work of their classmates or students. It’s not the easiest thing to have your work publicly distributed throughout the school, but I got to know so many people better because of their writing, for which I am grateful. My one regret, however, is that we did not have a color printer. 

Oh, well. Some things aren’t meant to be.

