The Bardvark

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BHSEC Student Voters

Clyde Dwyer, 21’

Although the majority of BHSEC students are yet to reach the threshold of adulthood, a select few have turned 18 at a crucial time: right before the election. The Bardvark talked with these Year 2’s to peek into the mind of a BHSEC student voter. Here’s what they had to say.

The issue(s) that matter most to me as a voter are ... 

“Racial, gender, and sexuality inequalities, climate change, immigration, poverty, and physical/mental health.” - Zuri K.

“Increasing the minimum wage, establishing a stronger social network, and distributing wealth, as well as environmental issues.” - Josephine M.

“Climate justice! By changing our sources of energy we can simultaneously minimize carbon emissions while creating high value jobs. It's also paramount that in this restructure that peoples and communities that are disproportionately affected by climate change are centered in both the conversation and solution.” - Maia C.

I feel like my vote (does/doesn't) matter because .... 

“I am going to vote. However, there are times where I question the significance of my vote. Though in the end I understand that it is not an individual vote that matters but a collective vote.” - Josephine M.

“I feel like my vote does matter in local Democratic primaries, because there's real competition in those. But it doesn't matter in general local elections, where there's no real competition, or in the New York State presidential because NY is always blue in the electoral college.” - Declan G. 

“I feel like my vote does and doesn't matter because... the electoral college sucks! But, that affects the top of the ticket. So while voting for president can be the most exciting, I think that my vote is much more impactful in smaller, local elections.” - Maia C.

I think the voting age should be... 

17, because there are a lot of people my age who are very aware of the issues facing the world right now and deserve to have their voices heard.” - Zuri K.

“I think the voting age should be 16. I personally do not see a huge difference in 16 and 18-year-olds. I also do not believe that being older is an indicator of possessing a greater political awareness than someone who is younger.” - Josephine M.

“Any voting age is arbitrary, so I think the voting age should be 0 with a mandatory civics test before you can vote. The problem with other historical civics tests was that they have been subjective and used to repress the Black vote primarily in the South -- this would be federally mandated, unchanging in its questions…

If you know enough to vote, you should be able to, and if you don't, you shouldn't.” - Declan G.


I am voting for (candidate) because... 

“Biden Harris because even if they are not the dynamic duo that I would have created in my dreams, I appreciate that they created the Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force which is pushing for more liberal policy.” - Maia C.

“Joe Biden and other Democrats on the Working Families line because I believe it's important to fund small parties that undersign progressive Democrats. New York State recently almost tripled the number of votes the party needs to stay funded, and I want to help them meet that goal -- as a third party, they're not taking votes away from Democrats in competitive races. Instead, they're adding leftist votes to progressive Democratic candidates.” - Declan G.

“Joe Biden because voting for Trump means that you support misogynists, rapists, racists, and terrorist groups, as well as other hateful people. Biden is not the best candidate, but he is definitely the better choice, so I am settling.” - Zuri K.

“Joe Biden for some attempt to restore normality. I am tired of seeing bullshit. I want a president who treats their job with respect, treats the people with respect, and treats our country with respect.” - Josephine M. 


Voting for the first time in the middle of a global pandemic is ______ 

“Surprisingly easy and simple.” - Josephine M.

“Definitely memorable.” - Zuri K.

“Wacky. It's not at all how I imagined my entrance to adulthood.” - Declan G

“Weirdly not that not-normal? What is more frightening than a pandemic (imagine that!) is the vast voter disenfranchisement which is only being exacerbated by the dangers of voting during a pandemic.” - Maia C.

In 2024 I'm going to vote for ____

“Michelle Obama. I’m not sure. I don’t think Michelle would run, but if she did you know who my vote would go to.” - Josephine M.

“Kamala, probably. Biden's probably going to be elected, and he'll probably be a one-term president, so I see Kamala as the frontrunner in the resulting 2024 primary field.” - Declan G.

“Whoever the best candidate will be, hopefully they're a great person.” - Zuri K.

“Anyone better. But that's the name of the game, isn't it?” - Maia C.