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How to Beat Finals Like A Pro

Sylvie Goldner, ‘21

January 2020

  1. Study schedule: Study for 5 minutes before the exam just to make sure you really know your stuff

  2. Food you should eat: Eat brain food -- foods that look like brains: coconuts, cauliflower, spaghetti

  3. Emotional state: Cry each time you think of your exam

  4. Understanding the material: Watch movies on the high school experience such as Mean Girls, The Breakfast Club, and Ferris Bueller’s Day Off

  5. Sleep: Get some sleep during the test 

  6. Optimistic mindset: Remember that the final grade calculator exists, so you can do worse than you think 

  7. Let your family know what is to come: Tell your family that you are going to fail all your tests so they are prepared (or possibly surprised)

  8. Visualize: Imagine going on @bardmanhattan after all of your tests and scrolling through the finals memes

  9. Make it fun: Do anything that is unrelated to your final exam because that is the only thing that is fun

  10. What to do right now: Waste time by reading this article